You're here longer than I am....want to help if I can anyway.
Good luck with whatever shitty situation came your way....
please private message me if you have been on this website from the beginning.. im talking blondie, data dog, outlaw, people like that.. need urgent help.
thank you.
You're here longer than I am....want to help if I can anyway.
Good luck with whatever shitty situation came your way....
i have been a baptized witness for about 30 years.
from the time i was a kid.
i've been the only one in my family who is baptized until 15 years later when my mother got baptized.
Your story is a bit confusing to me?
What would you talk to the elders for?
They are just misguided men that follow cult rules...possibly enjoying the authority they can exercise over people who don't know any better.
I hope my comment doesn't put you off, but really...even the most sincere, good hearted and honest people can not be woken up by merely talking with them. It has to come from within themselves mainly.
Don't put yourself in harms way by talking to elders please.
They have no authority over anything or anyone but themselves. You don't owe them or any other JW any explanation for your future or past decisions.
i'm not sure if anyone is keeping track, but as of today, the wtbts has spent $40,000.00 usd to avoid releasing sensitive documents to the superior authorities.
that's $40,000.00 usd of "dedicated funds.
are you a born-in jw?
Yes, possibly (depending on what the ordered documents actually say). But probably the documents are limited to whatever is relevant to this specific case.
As for the fine, Watchtower has already flat-out refused to comply with this court order for some months now. The lost the appeal to nullify the order, so they cannot fight the legitimacy of the order. All that is left for them is ignoring the court order...and it is costing them.
In August another court session will be held to see if Watchtower finally complied. If not, the fines may go up, or they will lose the trial by default.
so i finally got a chance to sit at a private pc and join up.
recently exiled from jwr, born in, faded 20 years ago, separated two years ago.
If you need some privacy on non-private PC's, you can use private browsing mode.
This will make sure no browsing history, cookies etc. will be stored in the browser.
In most environments this should be enough.
Note that it can still be possible that visited websites are monitored using other software or via networking devices. But in most homes that's not the case...
i came across this weird blog that castigates fading jws for their "cowardice" and "hypocrisy" for not making themselves vulnerable to shunning.
apparently in the view of this blogger jws who discover it's not the truth are morally obliged to play by the watchtower rules and face the consequences of shunning..
what is absent from the blog post is any discussion of the statement in the july 2009 awake!, that no one should be made to choose between their beliefs and their family.
Yeah, saw that piece of nonsense before and commented. Not published of course.
Commented again now: I love standing up for truth at least as much as you do.
So I was shocked when Jackson didn't stand up for truth before the ARC. <insert 'that would be presumptuous...' quote here>.
You never know what triggers the author's thinking...
i haven't been on here much, but every so often i try and keep up with the discussions.
i'm sure this topic has been talked about before, so my apologies in advance if i'm repeating.. a little about me.... i'm a non baptized jw married to a devout jw.
both my husband and i were raised in the organization.
Who is this man that I love, the father of my children, the man I pledged to spend my life together?
Unfortunately his personality has been replaced with a cult-approved personality.
You have done well so far. Stay strong! You're not alone...
not me surprisingly.
i thought i would be the one to go first.
this coming week my hubby is being announced as no longer being a jw.
A famous Historian, Flavius Josephus, had written about the existence of Jesus, Jesus stated that man and women were created. That's good enough for me to still believe in Creation
Multiple historians have written about Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith stated the Book of Mormon is of divine origin.
Is that good enough for you as well to join the LDS church?
i was just reflecting about this site and it`s influence on me and what i have got out of it and it came to me that whatever subject i bring up , or others bring up , the obvious thing is we engage in discussion .that`s what it`s all about .. however , the feedback we get or the input we give , far outweighs anything we ever achieved going from d2d for the wtb&ts./ wt real estate agency /publishing house .. how many times did you have a meaningful discussion with a person at a door ?, as a jw ?
not many i would think.. the majority of times , they were not home or not opening the door to you , so even if you did meet people they were too busy to talk to you or they just were not interested.. whereas , here on this board you engage with many people from all over the world , and we can discuss a subject as long as we want.until it runs it`s course.. i think anybody who posts here has had far more satisfaction in their interaction with other people on this board than they ever experienced in the d2d work as a jw.. and i hope that people who just lurk here can see the benefits of open discussion in a forum like this without judgement and recriminations that occur in the jw religion for speaking your mind.. smiddy.
Great point!
There is another general topic forum I participate in.
My answer to the question "Do you remember when you realized your religion is a lie" includes explanation about and links to ARC. This was viewed by 13k people. More than I ever even met in all those years of field service. And most of those are not fellow exJWs who already know that kind of stuff.
Much more effective indeed!
i've read many statements on this forum from people who have expressed the sentiment that you don't shove ttatt down the throat of an older person.
it would be too traumatic and its best to let some people, in some situations, simply pass on in the delusion.. its humane.
merciful.. in the initial roar of my awakening, i was unable to cuddle up to that sentiment; preferring, instead, to shove the blood curdling shock of truth down the throat of anyone i could get my grip on... age be dammed.
Well done.
Religious people normally have a set of rules to live by: obey God and his human representatives at all cost.
Atheists do not have such a set of rules to obey. Each one decides for him/herself what action to take, including participating (or not) in any religious activity.
Even when put to the stand, threatened with death, religious folks may not deny the existence of their God because that means forsaking Him (although enough religious people would be ok with forsaking God to save their life, because they feel He knows they still believe in Him anyway)
But for an atheist in most cases stating that he does believe in some God or another to save his life is a no-brainer. It's similar to agreeing that the green car is actually red. No divine beings' feelings will be hurt.
And since it's of no celestial spiritual eternal concequence, an atheist can say a prayer if that makes an old sick man feel better...*
*) This is not a rule in the Atheist's my own conclusion that applies to my life ;-)